The Oracle – Placement News Bulletin at XLRI

The Role of AI in L&D

In today’s dynamic business landscape, upskilling has become a crucial requirement for organizations to stay competitive. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is observing increased adoption in the space owing to the diverse array of simplified options available at affordable rates.

The market of online learning platforms has witnessed exponential growth with the estimated investment in the AI education market projected to reach USD 32.27 billion by 2030. AI tools are widely preferred due to their cost-saving benefits and enhanced efficiency, particularly when implemented at scale. The employee learning experience has transformed primarily around these three domains –

  • Accessibility: Generative AI is making learning accessible to all, addressing challenges faced by neurodivergent employees. Moreover, with advancements like braille translation software and automatic transcription, AI enables cost-effective solutions for diverse learning needs, fostering inclusivity.
  • Customization: AI is transforming the learning experience by providing personalized and curated content. Increased accuracy and varied data sources such as assessments, and interests and career goal mapping, allows for tailored learning experiences. Platforms like Fuel 50 exemplify how AI can adapt learning to individual development plans and career aspirations.
  • Gamification: AI-driven gamification includes sophisticated applications that intricately transform the domain by utilizing advanced algorithms and machine learning. AI analyzes intricate patterns of learner behavior, including engagement levels, response times, and mastery of content to increase participation.

How HR Can Drive Responsible AI Adoption in Learning and Development:

HR plays a crucial role in ensuring the responsible adoption of AI in learning and development. A six-step approach which can be followed is – evaluating AI’s purpose, nurturing ethical partnerships, transparent communication with employees pertaining to the implications, constant supervision and enhancement over time. Caution is crucial for effectively mitigating risks pertaining to bias, privacy, cybersecurity risks and accuracy.How have companies incorporated AI in their processes:

Amazon –

The primary requirement of the company’s learning team comes from a significant need for advanced digital skills, with 92% of jobs requiring advanced technological proficiency.

Amazon is investing $1.2 billion, in its Upskilling 2025 program, to help current employees secure new, high-growth jobs by reducing the skill gap.

The company will offer free cloud computing classes, positioning AI and machine learning as integral components of upskilling.


Google has developed a novel tool. Talk to Books, for innovating mentoring approaches.

It relies on semantic analysis and machine learning to answer the questions which an online search fails to answer. It reviews hundreds of thousands of books, providing relevant responses to the questions asked.

This AI-driven tool not only offers instant, knowledge-rich guidance but also recommends further reading to enhance the mentee’s understanding.


ITC Infotech is fostering a culture of learning that empowers employees to learn anytime, anywhere, and at their own pace. It is aiming to create a habit of learning by switching to shorter, daily online learning sessions.

ITC Infotech uses Skill Paths by Pluralsights, as it continues its learning experiment of mapping skill paths to business roles, leveraging innovation teams for new perspectives, and enhancing the overall learning experience based on user feedback.

The platform generates interest through self-directed learning, provides sequential guidance with certification-based paths, and caters to the need for constantly evolving content.

Bajaj Auto

BOLT, Bajaj’s Online Learning Tool, is a cutting-edge Learning Experience Platform (LXP) with AI capabilities, providing self-paced, mobile-enabled, and on-demand learning.

The idea for BOLT was envisioned during COVID-19, to ensure fulfillment of learning needs, achieved through the creation of the low-bandwidth learning system.

In the dynamic business world, upskilling is a critical necessity, and AI presents a transformative opportunity for responsible learning and development in HR. By leveraging the capabilities of AI while being mindful of its limitations, organizations can create an inclusive, personalized, and effective learning environment that aligns with the evolving workplace needs. Balancing innovation with responsibility is the key to harnessing the full potential of AI in HR processes.

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